Groups 2018

National ensemble of songs and dance “Shota”

The National Ensemble of Songs and Dance “Shota” was established on 30th of September 1950, as National Ensemble, a decision from the Assembly of Autonomous Province of Kosovo, similar to other three ensembles from ex-Yugoslavia: “Llado” – Zagreb, “Kollo” – Belgrade and “Tanec” – Skopje. This decision made Ensemble “Shota” one of the first artistic and cultural institutions in Kosovo. The task of the Ensemble was to maintain and develop the domestic folklore (national folk songs and dances) also researching new forms of folk art.
Тhe Ensemble “Shota” played an irreplaceable role on maintaining and developing folk songs and dances of all peoples who lived in Kosovo, but especially Albanian songs and dances, as 90% of Kosovo’s population were Albanians. With all of these, the Ensemble was represented in more than 50 different countries around the world, in all continents. The Ensemble “Shota” performed more than 7500 concerts in Kosovo, ex-Yugoslavia, Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Since 1994, the Ensemble is functioning with the new nomination, as: National Ensemble of Songs and Dance “Shota”.