Folk Dance Ensemble “STREMOSHYASKA”


Country: Moldova

Director: Veaceslav Sirbu

The Ensemble “STRAMOSEASCA,” founded in 1995 in the Republic of Moldova, has grown to over 100 active dancers and holds the title of “Exemplary Ensemble” since 1997. It has achieved significant success in national and international competitions and festivals, earning numerous awards and captivating audiences worldwide. Their international representation includes performances in Romania, Ukraine, Italy, France, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Russia, Turkey, and Belarus. Recent notable achievements include the Grand Prize at the 2018 “Карпатський простiр” festival in Ukraine, the Gold Medal at the 2019 Moscow Delphic Games, and being named “Best Artistic Collective of the Year” in 2020. Their 2023 summer festival performances in Sibiu and Arad, Romania, further solidified their reputation.

Participation in the Ensembles category and the Solo/Couple category